Meet your new application department

Rentzap isn't application software. We're an extension of your team.

Expand your team at no cost

Most property managers are stuck processing apps themselves because it takes weeks of training and thousands of dollars to hire and train staff to do it right. With Rentzap, it takes minutes to get an experienced underwriting team up and running and it’s free forever. 

Sign up for free

Create an account and set up your qualifying requirements in minutes. No site visits. No credit cards. No fuss.

Post a listing

When you post a listing you get an application link to give applicants to apply through Rentzap. You now have an application department!

Get approvable tenants

Follow along with our processors from start to finish and know the status of every application in detail so you’re always in the loop.

Stay up to date on one simple dashboard

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Save time and stay in control

It takes 68 mins to process a household with your current application software because software doesn't do the human work - you do! Let Rentzap do the heavy lifting converting apps to approvals that meet your qualifying requirements. 

Following up with applicants

Rentzap takes care of all follow ups and updates. No more chasing down applicants and getting overloaded with email.

Verifying supporting docs

Rentzap verifies all supporting docs and application information via third-party sourced data so you can trust that the applicant’s story is authentic. 

Managing denials

Denying applicants can be stressful, risky and time consuming. Rentzap sends FCRA compliant adverse action letters and handles app refunds so you don't have to.

Take advantage of our experience

Our team and underwriting process has been battled-tested across thousands of applications for property management companies. We know how to handle the fringe cases like calculating gig-work income and spotting fake documents to minimize ability-to-pay risk.

We were founded by a property manager, an owner and a renter 

"Your application process is amazing and saves me so much time!"
-Jodi B (property manager)

We're here to help

Always humans. Never chat bots. Contact us.
We're open Monday thru Saturday from 9am - 5pm (MST)

Proud supporters

© Rentzap, LLC

7000 N 16th St, Suite 120-294, Phoenix, Arizona 85020